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January 31, 2025: Deadline for submitting papers
February 14, 2025: Deadline for submitting abstracts
* * * email manuscripts to editor David Miller - dmiller@usgs.gov
April 4, 2025: email pdf presentation to Bruce Bridenbecker - bridenbecker.dsi@gmail.com
The Desert Symposium, Inc. publishes a proceedings volume for each meeting that includes the field trip road log, full papers, short papers, and abstracts. If you wish to contribute to the road log, please contact the 2025 field trip leader Steve Rowland steve.rowland@unlv.edu with ideas. The other three publication types are:
A short, succinct description of the presentation topic, with no headings, no figures, no references.
Short Paper
A focused paper with headings, figures, and references. Generally the short paper will stick to a narrow focus, presenting data and interpreting it, with a short discussion at most.
Full paper
A longer and thorough treatment of the subject matter. The introduction will generally lay out the scope and importance of the topic, as well as prior related studies. Discussion and conclusions may be extensive. Figures, tables, and references fully document the material presented. Paper length is not limited but proposals for large papers should be sent to the editor because the number of large papers is limited.
The first author has the primary responsibility for the correctness and reasonableness of the paper(s) submitted. In submitting a manuscript, the author pledges that the manuscript is an original work and does not infringe upon the rights of previous authors or publishers. All submittals must have a complete mailing and email address listed for the first author. Authors of theme-related papers may contribute more than one paper. Authors of non-theme papers may submit one paper and one abstract for a poster.
Paper Reviews
Manuscripts will be reviewed by experts selected by the editor. Authors are encouraged to seek reviews prior to submitting their papers, incorporating suggestions as appropriate and acknowledging reviewers in the text. Manuscripts may be accepted, provisionally accepted, or be found unsuitable for publication in the DSI volume. Provisional acceptance will include suggestions for revisions. Authors will be given adequate time to respond to editorial review comments or may request an extension.
Preparing Your Manuscript
Manuscripts should be written for the well-educated non-specialist. They must be original and previously unpublished work that furthers knowledge in their fields. The Desert Symposium Board of Directors strongly encourages all authors to present their work at the Symposium. Authors should follow the standards for footnotes, citations,
headings, and other conventions as applicable to their discipline. Reference information must be complete. Poster presenters must submit an abstract or paper.
Figures, Tables, and Photographs
Any file format that is of sufficient resolution for a reviewer is fine for first submission. No images should be larger than ~10 MB. Tables and figures should be submitted as separate files, and not embedded in the manuscript. Captions should be listed on a separate page, referenced to their accompanying figures. Please mark approximate locations in the text document for each figure and table.
Color pages
Hard copies of the proceedings volume will be printed in black and white with limited color pages. If you wish to have some pages of your paper printed in color, inform the editor of your wishes but be aware that there is an extra cost for this service ($40 per page). For B&W printing, check to make sure the images are legible in B&W. A color pdf of the volume will be available online. A limited number of the volume will be printed so please reserve your copy when you register.
Submitting your paper
Authors must submit manuscripts via email in MS Word format to Dave Miller. Note: when Mac documents are converted to PC format, symbols may be unrecognizable. If your paper includes symbols, please create and send a pdf in addition to the Word document. Keep formatting simple and use a minimum of styles. Submit figures, tables and photographs as separate files. Images should be in TIF, PNG, or JPG format at a suitable resolution for printing (>300 dpi for final copy). When emailing files and images, indicate author's name and abbreviated title in the subject line, e.g., Fig 1 Miller Cima.jpg.
Oral Presentations
All oral presentations may be in Powerpoint or pdf format and will be placed on the DSI computer for projection. If you have special projection needs (e.g., videos) or computer requirements (e.g., live internet steaming), please contact DSI. You may not project your presentation from your own computer. We would prefer that you email us your presentation, rather than bringing it on a memory stick. Please email your presentation to Bruce Bridenbecker.
Desert Symposium Inc.
c/o Bruce Bridenbecker
PO Box 2411
Running Springs, CA 92382
Paper style: Please consult a recent publication at our website for examples of abstracts and papers
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